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A unique method exclusive to  

Your Brain & Your Weight

The Your Brain and Your Weight method is based on the foundations of quantum physics, as well as the latest scientific research and findings about the relationship between the brain and our weight. The brain is also involved in body fat regulation, eating habits, compulsive behavior towards food, and other aspects that interfere with obesity, overweight, binge eating, and the causes that hinder positive changes when it comes to weight. We make use of the most valuable tools that are inherent to all humans, and which enable us to produce the desired changes.

Firstly, it is the premise applied to all my treatments,"It is the same wisdom that created the body that will also heal it”. Secondly, it is the astonishing plasticity of our brain. Thirdly, it is the fact that the body can get used to being in a condition that is unfavorable, but it also has the outstanding ability to learn to be well again.

The Brain

The brain has an infinite and unrivaled intelligence. It is the most complex, yet fascinating computer. It is the command center for millions of functions in the body.


One of those multiple functions includes keeping us in homeostasis *. To this end, the brain has a central role that includes the regulation of a series of aspects such as glucose levels in the body, accurate signaling of appetite and satiety, the instructions on how much fat should be stored in the body and a series of other complex mechanisms that, in optimal performance, would keep us at our ideal weight.

Numerous Factors Contribute to Harmful Changes in the Brain

It is true that some genetic factors may contribute to being overweight nonetheless; it is only a small minority of the population that is affected by these causes. However, overeating as well as, the poor quality of what we often consume, cause multiple dysfunctions in the neuroendocrine system.


We have easy access to "foods" that are generally processed and packed with low-quality fat and sugar. These "foods" are everywhere, and some of them cost very little. Marketing and advertising strategies are aimed at making you eat more and more, regardless of whether the products they promote are harmful or beneficial to the consumer or whether they bring on excess weight. Nowadays we have easy access to information on any topic we can think of however, on the subject of food, as in all subjects, there is plenty of misinformation, which also contributes to our bad choices.


In an attempt to "resolve" or "alleviate" adverse mood states, such as depression, boredom, uncontrollable stress, anxiety, loneliness, and anxiety, among others, some people feel the urge to eat, sometimes compulsively, even without an appetite. The most common foods people restore to are those highly caloric, rich in fat and salt and/or sugar.


Bad habits learned and deeply rooted also have the potential to negatively impact our brain causing the neurological disorder that may be behind overweight and/or obesity, as well as excess fat accumulated in the body, rebounds after diets, excess cravings and other eating disorders from "binge eating" to anorexia.


*Definition of homeostasis by the Oxford dictionary: The physiological process by which the internal systems of the body (e.g. blood pressure, body temperature, acid-base balance) are maintained at equilibrium, despite variations in the external conditions.


Diets by nature are restrictive and for this reason they tend to generate stress in the person who follows such a regimen. Diets are subject to self-control, but the brain does not support as many restrictions. The perception of restriction or prohibition creates an adverse reaction in the brain; cravings and/or a desire to eat are exacerbated regardless of the amount of calories the body is receiving and irrespective of the body’s actual needs. The restriction and prohibition that diets intend to impose essentially create a disorder in the control centers in the brain.


Likewise, the most recent scientific studies affirm that 85% of diets are not only ineffective , but they can have the opposite effect to the one pursued, and may even predispose the person to being overweight, and/or to some eating disorder of hyper restriction or even, binging even five years after having finished a diet.

This paradox does not have to do with a specific type of diet but with dieting itself.

The Method

Your Brain & Your Weight 

The brain has great plasticity as well as the capacity for self-repair, as does the rest of the body, and it is precisely these aspects that in a NON-invasive way and without drugs allow us to make favorable adjustments.


Your Brain and Your Weight is the most sophisticated, non-invasive and drug-free method to regulate and correct from the brain the functions that have gone out of control and that have led to a serious problem of obesity and/or overweight in countless people.


Through this fascinating method, your brain will have the possibility to make the pertinent corrections such as reconnecting the signals to of satiety and hunger levels and rectify the chemical and neurological aspects related to overeating and excessive cravings.


This extraordinary technique naturally causes that the person to eat less food without generating a feeling of restriction.Most people report that after the 1st session their food intake decreases approximately 40%

This extraordinary technique naturally causes the person to eat less food without generating a feeling of restriction. Most people report that after the 1st session their food intake decreases approximately 40%

Your Brain and Your Weight is a non-invasive and drug free method.
All sessions are online 


Most patients require only a few sessions. The Your Brain and Your Weight method relies on the body's ability to correct itself. However, the responsiveness and history of each person is different; the number of sessions therefore depends on the individual’s response. Most people notice changes within a period of one to 14 days, so sessions will be scheduled approximately every two or three weeks.

Everyone is different, and not every person will notice a response within hours. Nonetheless, many people have noted a significant decrease in their appetite 24 hours after their first session, as well as being satiated with smaller amounts of food.

However, your mind that has been used to greater amounts of food and cravings tempts you to eat more than your body is asking. If your mind incites you to eat without a metabolic need, try drinking some water first and you will see that your desire to eat will vanish. It is important that you pay attention to the signals of your body.

f you often suffer from stress, anxiety, anguish or any other unpleasant emotional state, try this very effective, simple and free remedy, The Relaxation Response , The RR consists of taking a slow inhalation, and when exhaling, you silently say a word or phrase that you know will bring you peace. Some people choose words like: peace, serenity, calm, etc. Practice this twice a day for 10 to 15 minutes, and use this resource any time you feel that stress or any other emotion may overwhelm you.

NO, YOU DO NOT. All treatment sessions are carried out online. Global communication has become easy and readily available which allows us to work with patients all over the world.

  • For those who only find satiety with large amounts of food
  • For those people who have promised themselves to eat less, and in the end feel guilty, frustrated and fed up for not being able to fulfill their promise
  • For those who have excessive cravings between meals
  • For those whose weight exceeds their healthy ideal
  • or those people who are disappointed in diets and aesthetic equipment

If you are now ready for a new, healthy relationship with food, here are the steps you should follow: 

Step 1

USA Pay $160.- USD for your first session and send your payment slip to Email us for payment details 

Patients in Latin America and Canada: 160.- USD
* Email us for payment details at
Patients in Europe 130.- Euros
* Email us for payment details at

Step 2

You will receive a questionnaire in your inbox, which you should fill in and return. 

Step 3

Once step 2 is completed, we will scheduled your first appointment.

Optional Resources for Patients

Here are some support tools for you to actively participate in the task of retraining your brain.

  • Take half an hour to eat your main meals
  • Leave your cell phone away from you when you eat
  • If stress, anxiety, anguish or depression is a very effective, simple and free antidote, it is called The Relaxation Response , The RR consists of taking a slow inhalation, and when exhaling, you silently say a word or phrase that you know will bring you peace. Some people choose words like: peace, serenity, calm, etc. Practice this twice a day for 10 to 15 minutes, and use this resource any time you feel that stress or any other emotion may overwhelm you.


Click on the boxes to see other testimonials.

Diana, after my first session, two months ago, I noticed the feeling of satiety with just a piece of steak. I don’t feel like eating as much as I did before. Let's say that I was satiated without the need to consume rice or vegetables, the protein was enough for me. Before starting treatment with you, I had a strong craving for chocolate, cookies as well as potatoes chips, especially in the afternoons. These days I don't even think about it!!!!! The afternoon passes and I feel satiated until dinnertime, and the amount of food I need now has gone to 50% of what it used to be. I notice I don’t even want the sugar-free ice pops that I sell to others!!!! All I want in the afternoons is to drink a lot of water. I have also dropped 3cm in fat from the abdomen and hips, some of the pants that did not fit me anymore, now fit me, and I feel more comfortable in all my clothes. I would also like to take several more sessions to reinforce what we have achieved so far. Being under your treatment has been much easier for me to watch what I eat and achieve the healthy lifestyle that I was so much looking for i.e., no intense cravings or anxiety to eat high calorie foods. Thank you very much Diana! .- Katy Abraham

My name is Camila Trujillo and I am 74 years old. From a very young age I had weight issues. I am 1.55m tall, at 16 I weighed 74 KG. I eventually went down to 48 KG and for a good number of years I kept on a very reasonable weight despite my three pregnancies. 

When my second son passed away, I not only started suffering from fibromyalgia, but I also started gaining weight.

Almost 15 years have passed since then. Diana cured me of what seemed like an incurable disease, fibromyalgia. Two years ago I started having arrhythmias and high blood pressure which are difficult to control. My chardiologist performed an ablation and the arrhythmias disappeared, but he advised me to lose at least 10 kg to keep my blood pressure under control. I did a low carb diet, and I lost 11Kg so I became thinner. But Mr. COVID showed up and the quarantine is not over yet! I started having cravings and began to overeat, so I gained 2 kilos, obviously, I don't want to gain any more weight. 

Since Diana makes wonderful transformations, and always helps me with my ailments, she is now treating me for this weight issue. Diana asked me not to go on any diet; she said my body would correct itself. I’ve already lost one and a half kilos. I now eat in a more balanced way. I feel satiated with less food and I have much fewer cravings. Most importantly, I am aware of what I eat, I first think if what I’m about to eat is good for me, and I don’t eat out of an impulse. I am almost certain that with Diana's treatment, I will have a "skinny soul". Lol!“. – Camila Trujillo

“Hello, my name is Joanna and I live in Chicago, Illinois. Ever since I was little, I struggled with my weight and overeating. I had anxiety about different things going on in my life and I turned to food for comfort. I have tried many diet plans that restrict food groups and portions. While they worked at first, I somehow ended up with my bad habits once again. This created a cycle of trying to do well but resorting to food binges and over eating. It was frustrating, and it made me feel out of control because I ate and didn’t know when or how to stop. I was always thinking about food and how I would deal with the situation. I always had uncontrollable cravings and a lack of energy. I felt that I had lost control of my weight and I had little to no peace of mind. I wanted help and Diana told me of this new treatment that would help me get better. 

I started this treatment about four weeks ago, and it has had a great and positive impact on me. I do not feel anxious about what I am eating, when I am going to eat and how much. For the first time in a long time I feel in control and when my body is full, my brain and my body agree and I can stop eating. I do not feel like I am limiting or starving my self but rather enjoying the food that I am eating at the moment and stopping when my body knows that I am full. My cravings have improved drastically and I am able to control myself and not act on them if I am not hungry. I can enjoy a cookie and not have the urge to keep eating more.  I feel proud and trust my body and brain’s better judgment. This has given me so much hope and freedom because food is not the only thing on my mind. I am able to be more calm about things going on in my day because my food anxiety in not driving my day. I have more energy and a positive outlook on loosing weight. I feel the physical (my clothes fitting better) and emotional effect the treatment has had on me. I feel empowered and have peace to have control of food. I am very grateful for this protocol and hope to continue working with Diana. ” – Joanna

Before I met Diana, I didn't pay much attention to food and the way I ate. I used to (almost every day), I eat snacks such as chips, peanuts, chocolate, and sweets between meals and I would not stop until I’d finish them all up. I didn’t even realize what I was doing, to me, they were just cravings. After these binging episodes, I ended up feeling so disappointed and anxious, but "satiated". Regular meals were always plentiful, and I ate as much as I thought I needed until I felt satiated.

I now approach food with a new awareness. I’m also impressed at how my binge eating, which had been part of my life for years, has completely disappeared. The anxiety I constantly felt that drove me to binging is gone. I don’t even think about what I’m going to “snack” on. All these changes occurred in just a few days. I have lost 6.5 kilos so far. Thank you.” –  Paco Galindo

“Diana, first of all I want to thank you for your time and dedication to the treatment of my son, Miguel. I also thank you for the fact that we were able to do it without him even knowing that he was being treated. Since Miguel received his first treatment session, two months ago, I noticed that he ate less. Since then, he has no longer asked me to give him something to eat in between meals nor has he asked me for desserts. An example of this is that, at breakfast, he now has one “sope” and he feels satiated, whereas in the past he’d normally have two of those “sopes”. The amount of food he eats at dinner has also decreased by half or more, he’ll now have some fruit and a yogurt and that’s all he’ll want, in the past he’d have a yogurt, a sandwich and some cereal on top!!!!! I’ve also noticed that his habit of asking for cookies at 1pm has gone completely. Four weeks into his treatment I started to note that his shorts and pajamas (that were too tight), they were now actually loose. I also became aware that he started to drink a lot more water, which seems very good to me. One afternoon, a week and a half after his first treatment session he asked me for lettuce between meals, incredible!!!! I would like Miguel to continue with his treatment so that we can reinforce what has been achieved so far. So far Miguel has dropped between three and four centimeters in fat both in the abdomen and in the hips. My neighbors have told him that he looks slimmer and they congratulated him for that". Katy Abraham, mamá de Miguel Athié

Mi nombre es Ofeida López Luis tengo 32 años. Hace 9 semanas empecé a tratarme con la Dr. Diana Morales, con resultados al instante, al día siguiente de la primera sesión, desperté con mucha energía, mis porciones de comida fueron más pequeñas y con mayor saciedad. No sentí la necesidad del algún postre o algo dulce como era mi costumbre, mi digestión también mejoró bastante. La primera semana baje 1.5 kilogramos, aproximadamente 1 a 2 cm de medidas, lo cual me sorprendió y me animó mucho mas porque ya había intentado con otros métodos, desde ejercicios, dietas y dejar carbohidratos lo cual me costaba mucho y se me hacia muy pesado. 

Además de mejorar mi estado de ánimo y de salud, he tenido mejoría a nivel hormonal. Desde la adolescencia mis períodos habían sido irregulares, por mucho tiempo reglé  2 o 3 veces al año, después cada 4 meses y en este corto tiempo he podido regularizarme, teniendo mi periodo cada mes. Estoy muy contenta con los resultados, empecé el tratamiento siendo talla 9 y ahora estoy cómoda en una talla  5, era M y ahora uso CH.” –  Ofeida López L.

After my first session, I soon noticed that my legs, hips, arms and forearms were getting thinner. These days when I take a walk I sweat like never before. My afternoon cravings have disappeared. When my husband offers me a Coca Cola or some potatoe chips, I don't even touch them, before my sessions with Diana I would have had a lot of both things. 

After my second session I noticed my jeans were looser at the waist and so was by bra, and what I love the most is seeing myself in the mirror. 

I am happy and I want the best for myself. I eat only what I need and I am aware of the point of which I am already satiated. I also realize if what I am going to eat is good for me and if it isn’t, I just leave it. My skin looks more radiant, and my pores have closed. For me Diana is the best, I think that what she studies and puts into practice in her patients is very good. As a patient, I believe it and highly recommend it. I will go for more.” –  Mariana Garza

“Han pasado unas semanas y he tomado tres sesiones. Noto que hasta los pies me han adelgazado. Estoy feliz y quiero verme mejor para mi, estoy más alerta y activa.

Me doy cuenta de que la grasa que tenía acumulada estaba más concentrada en mi tronco, brazos y espalda. El grosor de estas partes está disminuyendo, me anima a cuidarme y amarme. Siempre he tenido en mi clóset pantalones de dos tallas distintas 33 y 32, ahora ya uso solo 32. Mi coco siempre había sido el tamaño de mi busto, las blusas se me abrían de esa parte, ahora ya no. Justo se ve más formado.

Noto menos grasa en mis caderas y piernas. Lo más interesante es que la masa muscular se ha conservado.

En mi funcionamiento fisiológico, sigo sudando mucho. Lo que también he notado es que la piel de todo mi cuerpo está hidratada y los poro cerrados que me fascina.

Diana, me doy cuenta que el exceso de grasa en mi cuerpo, en especial en el área del tronco era para demostrar mi fuerza, valentía y para que nadie me pudiera ver vulnerable. Hoy aquí y ahora no es necesario demostrar nada porque mi fuerza y valentía están en mi interior .

También usaba chalecos para tapar mi cuerpo, escondía mi feminidad. Hoy soy libre y me siento orgullosa de mi.

Cada sesión es un nuevo descubrimiento de mi y mi cuerpo, es un orden maravilloso. Cada sesión se mueven cosas y mi cuerpo se siente ligero. Dentro de mi corazón quiero estar guapa para mi. Tengo mucha energía, y la grasa se va eliminando según lo que mi cuerpo quiere. Gracias, Diana!” –  Mariana Garza

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