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At age 17 I had an ovary removed because I had a cyst the size of a grapefruit, which had a great chance of being cancerous (thank God it was not!). Ten years later, at the age of 27, I had endometriosis on the other ovary and they had to remove one third of it.

When I turned 30, my gynecologist suggested that I freeze my ovary since my ovarian capacity had been reduced due to my background. I accepted, but when we started trying to stimulate my ovary to produce more eggs that month and take them out (to freeze them), things started to get complicated. I was not responding to the treatment. I was tested for my antimuleriana hormone (the one that indicates the ovarian reserve - if you have many or few ovules left). The result was not good, but not terrible (I came out in 0.5 - above 1 you are considered well, from 0.3 to below you are almost infertile).

I was very sad, desperate and angry. My mom recommended me to go to Neuromodulation with Dr. Diana. Since she has (and continues to) helped many of my relatives with different health issues, with great success!

So, I went. On arrival I did not know what to expect ... I arrived in a serene and quiet space where Diana and I talked a lot while she gave me the treatment. Sometimes she gave me things to read, which were confrontational to my emotional state, and when I finished, it was very liberating. Diana showed me a technique to relieve the body, which is a whole corporal and challenging experience; when you’re done, you feel calm and like new. In my case, I was also suggested a diet (no simple carbohydrates or dairy), and in the whole, I began to see significant changes in my body and in my menstrual cycles; for the first time in my life I was regular-28 days. I also felt wonderful.

A little over half a year later, I got married. My husband, my gynecologist and I decided that instead of trying to freeze my eggs, I had better try to have children. Obviously Diana was part of this process. They took me back to the test of the antimuleriana and, it came out above 1!! We started in vitro treatments and on the second attempt, I got pregnant! It was a good pregnancy in general with one exception...

At the beginning of my second trimester I had moderate bleeding. I was told to rest for almost a month. The reason was that I had placental detachment. As soon as it happened, I called Dr. Diana who was on a trip in Chihuahua. Despite being on vacation and the poor phone connection, Diana took the time to give me remote sessions, which helped me a lot. Diana took time off from her vacation with her family and friends to help me when I was really scared. We continued with the sessions until I stopped bleeding; I felt perfect the rest of my pregnancy.

Today, my son is two and a half years old. I am very grateful to Diana for all her help and support throughout this process.

Mariana Carrillo


My experience with NeuroModulation was truly positive. I suffered an illness, called Bechet. It is a disease related to the immune system, which generates very strong flare ups. It manifests itself with canker sores and ulcers in the throat, mouth, tongue, eyelids and mucous membranes. It is a disease for which, until now, traditional medicine has not found a cure.

During one of these critical episodes of such disease, desperate not to find help with any doctor (some doctors that I visited were even scared and told me they did not treat such diseases), I was recommended to go and see Diana. Eventhough she had no space in her schedule, she kindly received me since it was an emergency. I had a first session in the morning, by the afternoon that same day the swelling and ulcers were very diminished, the next day I had nothing. I was totally healed.

Rodrigo Herrera


I am Jack, a crossbred dog of Chihuahua and Russell Terrier, hahaha; my parents are refined but they both chose their partner incorrectly, and I am the result of their passionate love.

I was born in a beautiful apartment of a privileged family; after two months they gave me away to my current master. All types of recommendations were given to take well care of me, as I deserve it. As soon as my master saw me, I was able to make her happy. We have lived together for six years, she, her husband and me.

I must confess that I demand to be treated as one of them; I want to be allowed to be in the living room when they have visitors and of course, in the bedroom and in the dining room. I love to eat their food as opposed to dry croquettes that look like dogs’ food. I also love their bed. I get very angry when my demands are not fulfilled.

I hate it when they go on vacation without me. So my master finally decided to call Diana and asked her to treat me. Obviously, I was not asked my opinion, and they told Diana that when I got mad, I peed everywhere; I growled and showed my teeth.

The truth is I was not aware when I was being treated, but my behavior has much improved. These days when I am lying down in an armchair and they want me to get down, I do not growl anymore and I do not show my teeth. I don not pee all over the place. Naturally, if they go on vacation for too long, just so that they do not forget who I am, I pee in some places but … just a little.

Diana, antes que nada quiero agradecerte por tu tiempo y dedicación para el tratamiento de mi hijo Miguel. Agradecerte también que lo pudimos hacer sin que él siquiera se enterara de que estaba siendo tratado.

Te platico que desde la primera sesión para Miguel, hace dos meses, noté que comía menos; desde entonces ya no me pide comer entre comidas ni me pide postre. Un ejemplo de ello es que en lugar de dos sopes de desayuno quedaba satisfecho con uno. Sus cantidades en la cena también disminuyeron a la mitad o más, ya que con algo de fruta y yogurt queda satisfecho no como antes que quería yogurt, sándwich y cereal!!!!! También noté que su costumbre de pedir galletas a la 1pm había desaparecido por completo. A lo largo de 4 semanas de tratamiento noté que su shorts y sus pijamas que le quedaban muy apretados, ahora le quedaban flojos. Noté también un incremento en su consumo de agua lo cual me parece muy bueno. A la semana y media de tratamiento comenzó a pedirme que quería comer lechuga entre comidas, increíble!!!! Me gustaría continuar con su tratamiento para reforzar lo que hasta ahora se ha logrado. Hasta ahora te puedo decir que Miguel ha bajado entre 3 y 4 centímetros tanto de abdomen como de cadera, hasta mi vecina le dijo que lo ve más delgado y lo felicitó.
Katy Abraham