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I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and the doctors told me that I had to learn to live with the pain. They then prescribed me medication for all of the following: to sleep, for my bodily pain, for the stomach issues (caused by the previous medications), for my extreme depression; in short, 23 pills a day without any positive result. I felt fragile as a glass, I did not tolerate anyone touching me and I thought about leaving this world because of my severe pain and inexplicable sadness. I listened to Diana Morales in a radio program with Dr. Ernesto Lammoglia and she spoke about fibromyalgia, so I went to her.

Diana asked me not to stop taking any of my medication, and just continue with the treatment sessions; naturally, my question was "how many sessions do I need to feel good?" My experience was that from the very first session I felt great relief as I had stopped feeling that sadness that kept me crying day and night and I finally started to sleep. On my fourth visit my bodily pain had dropped by 80% and before we’d completed the agreed number of sessions, I was no longer taking any medication, and I felt better and better everyday.

Today, I just have to say THANK YOU DIANA MORALES, you brought my life back to me, and I give this testimonial convinced that there is a cure for fibromyalgia.

Liz Mondragón


Hace ya cinco años comencé el tratamiento de Neuromodulación con la Dra. Diana Morales por mi padecimiento de fibromialgia.
Llevaba mucho tiempo peregrinando de médico en médico, cuyas opiniones no me daban ninguna esperanza: “la fibromialgia no es curable”, era la sentencia de los médicos. Desde la primera consulta noté un cambio, sutil e impreciso pero ahí estaba. Mi perseverancia y la suya, lograron la curación. Poco a poco cada uno de los síntomas fue desapareciendo. No he vuelto a sufrir por aquella cadena perpetua a la que los médicos alópatas me habían condenado.

Elena Guelbenzu


Allow me to tell you my story. I suffered fibromyalgia, for 12 years. I was treated by an internist, a rheumatologist, a psychologist and a nutritionist; all this to no avail. I was terribly depressed, because in addition to the pain, I had a lot of anguish around having to spend all my salary in medicines. In addition I felt helplessness for my family since I’d already attempted suicide when I could no longer tolerate all the symptoms I had been suffering from.

Through a radio program, a friend of mine (who also had fibromyalgia) heard about Dr. Diana Morales and NeuroModulation Technique. I scheduled an appointment and I went to Mexico City with the great hope to heal. When I arrived in Diana’s office I met a military MD who was in the waiting room; we started a small talk and he told me, "my wife had fibromyalgia and Dr. Diana is taking care of her with excellent results". When my turn came, Dr. Diana asked me in a very professional manner, “Should I explain what the technique consists of?” My answer was, "I’ve come here to heal and you will be my angel". My session began with some breathing exercises.

After that first session my body reacted with a sensation of fatigue and I slept for many hours. From the third session onwards my pain began to disappear, and miraculously, seven sessions was all I needed to feel great and alive again. To make things clear I returned home completely pain free! I started to share my story with people who had the same condition; I even referred someone from the state of Durango who also had wonderful results ... Thanks to the creator and to Dr. Diana Morales, my life changed completely, I recovered my family and the pleasure of living.



Hello! You know, in life we ​​find angels. I remind you that my name is Maricela from the State of Michoacán. I want to share that after healing from fibromyalgia with NeuroModulation and the professional work of Dr. Diana Morales, I had a car accident. I suffered a fracture of fibula and calcaneus, and a third degree sprain. I underwent three surgeries of one foot. After the surgeries I was able to walk again, but I had a disability, which prevented me from wearing regular shoes, so I could only wear orthopedic or tennis shoes.

Anyway, I was alive, and once my physical therapy ended, I had the pleasure of accompanying a friend to Mexico City to see Dr. Diana ... When Diana came to say hello, she asked me why I was wearing orthopedic shoes, I told her about the accident, the surgeries and the whole story. She assured me that I would return home wearing regular shoes. She started my therapy, which on this occasion consisted of three sessions, and indeed I did return home wearing normal shoes.

Once again, I experienced a total change in my life; that is why I am pleased to share this message of hope for those who want to heal their lives. I now practice Zumba, I walk, I dance and do trailing to date. And the most important thing is, that I can do this pain free. I would always be grateful to God for having put Diana in my path…and whenever I need Dr. Diana to help someone in my family or someone else, I am confident it will be to change lives… With all my gratitude and love to Dr. Diana Morales’ professionalism.



Hello! I want to share my testimony of how Diana Morales, through energetic medicine cured me completely from a syndrome named fibromyalgia, which many doctors say does not exist. Many others currently acknowledge its existence and talk about it in their medical books. Regardless, symptoms are real and terrible! I suffered it for 10 years!

I’d tried everything, doctors, rheumatologists, neurologists, psychiatrists; I even tried spiritual cleansings, healers, homeopathy, Bach flowers, acupuncture, Reiki, etc. I’m not saying that all of the above methods do not work; for many people they probably work, but not for me. Especially the allopathic medicine approach did not work for me since they only address symptoms; I was given 10 different medicines to mitigate them! Naturally, they affected my liver, kidneys, etc. and I did not get any better! It went from bad to worse, so I went into a deep depression, all I wanted was to die! Although I never lost the hope of finding something that would really help me, it was not until I had really accepted my illness and my destiny that Diana appeared in my path!

Without knowing what she was doing, nor believing that she was going to heal me, simply having a deep desire to heal, I started taking her wonderful therapies. At first, I thought that this was not going to help me; I felt that nothing significant was being done for me. To my surprise, following my sixth session, I had a full night’s sleep, and I woke up the next day without any pain. I could not believe it. I had not slept well for the previous 10 years and if I’d manage to fall asleep I would not rest, moreover I was in pain day and night.

I got scared at the thought that at any moment all symptoms would come back, and they have not come back in eight years!

Diana is a wonderful and professional person, integral, humane, empathetic, devoted a hundred percent to her work. She does plenty of research and she frequently studies new methods to be more effective and better help her patients. I admire her greatly and I believe in what she does with my eyes closed and opened. If fate has another sickness for me in store I would not hesitate to see her first before anyone else. As you can imagine, I live eternally grateful to Diana and the creator of this wonderful method of energy and informational medicine. From this experience I found my true calling, and now I also devote myself to energetic medicine. Although I still do not have the experience Diana has, the important thing is that I'm on the road and I owe it to her too.

Thank you, thank you, and thanks eternally to you, Diana.

Constanza Ugalde


I am 26 years old. About four years ago I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Getting this diagnosis was a very difficult path, since I had to go to countless specialists who said they had to rule out lupus, brain tumors, hypothyroidism, bone diseases, among other ailments. It didn’t get even a five-minute break from pain on my day to day. It was a combination of inexplicable sensations and pain, even my scalp hurt. I, literally, could not tolerate the friction of my clothes on my skin. The pain rolled all over my body; it went from one side to another. I could not sleep. I felt pickets all over my body the whole day. I was tired. I was sweating, I didn’t know if it was the pain that caused it. My TMJ would get locked so I couldn’t eat because I could not open my mouth. I never thought this could be fibromyalgia. At that time, I was seeing a neurologist who prescribed Lyrica, which helped control the pain only a little. Before this medicine, I had tried others that instead of helping me they only produced adverse side effects; as was the case with pregabalin which made me feel as if my brain had become smaller and also my tongue tingled. For me, it was the worst of all the medications prescribed to me.

Then came the time when I could not see well, my vision was cloudy without any explanation. I went to see the ophthalmologist, and it was he who referred me to Dr. Diana Morales and, at that moment, I was able to see the light again. I talked to her and she told me she used NeuroModulation Technique. Although the neurologist's treatments did not help me and caused so many side effects, when I asked him his opinion about NeuroModulation, without even knowing the technique at all, he answered: "NeuroModulation does not exist, do not believe it". This is the way many doctors respond when we ask them for an opinion about alternative treatments.

Nonetheless, I decided to go to my first appointment; it was my only hope. All doctors make you believe that there is no cure for fibromyalgia; they say you can only aim for a better life quality. I can now say that there is a cure. It is not true that "you must learn to live with pain", nor it is true that fibromyalgia can only be controlled. I’ve got to say that, at the time, I would’ve preferred a diagnosis of bone cancer than to continue feeling the way I did, because I had not found a cure or a pill that would take away my pain; I could not take it anymore. Whereas if I’d had cancer I would have been diagnosed, and I would’ve started treatment; I would only have two options, which were either to die or to try to overcome cancer.

On my first visit to Dr. Diana’s office, I told her about my multiple symptoms. She told me that instead of using the time of our session to explain what the therapy consisted of, that she’d rather use that time to treat me and make me feel better as soon as possible. She also said she understood my pain because she too had suffered all this; she comforted me by telling me that I would be fine again. I trusted her and my first session started. She, literally, did not do anything physically to me. At the end of the session I felt the same, but I thought it was the only light I had on in this path. To my surprise, after three hours I fell asleep as I had not done for a long time, I enjoyed a deep sleep, and above all, a good night's sleep. I continued with my therapies.

My family and friends asked me what was it exactly that Dr. Diana was doing; I laughed because I could not explain how the body can heal without physical intervention or medicines. I must say that every time I left her office I felt as if a better part of me was coming back. Little by little I started lowering the dosages of the medicines I was taking, until I stopped taking all of them.

My shoes and bags were once again part of me; I’d had to forget about them because the pain did not allow me to wear them. When I met Diana, I cried and cried for no reason at all. At last happiness had returned to me. You could say that it is an exaggeration, but it really was an immense despair. I thought that I’d never do anything in life while I had so much pain; that I would simply never have a baby since I couldn’t carry him or play with him. Today I can only say thanks, because although I don’t understand NeroModulation Technique, I no longer have pain, and I can now say that fibromyalgia is curable.

I can only thank Dr. Diana infinitely for what she has done for my health regarding fibromyalgia. My life changed, and maybe I was not going to die of fibromyalgia but perhaps I would’ve passed away out of sadness and despair.

Anahí Ángel Pérez


I want to share my experience with the technique given by Dr. Diana Morales. Everything began approximately 15 years ago, after searching tirelessly for some medicine that would allow me to continue with my day-to-day life without having to struggle when I wanted to move. The only option that was given to me was to take a lot of pills, which I flatly refused because I felt there ought to be something else.

A great person that I love with all my heart suggested trying a new technique in Mexico. I went to Diana’s office with all the hope that it would be effective, and the result was wonderful. I simply came back to life, so I am eternally grateful to Diana. It’s been several years, and I can say that despite medical diagnosis I no longer suffer from this disease called, FIBROMYALGIA.

Diana, you are one of the angels that helped me in this process.  A huge hug for you, and my gratitude forever. 

Claudia Ramirez


Several years ago I met Dr. Diana because I had fibromyalgia. She applied NeuroModulation Technique and released me from that terrible pain and also helped me with my emotional issues.

I have never had any problem again! I thank God for putting her on my path, she is a person of great honesty and professionalism, which is something less and less frequent to encounter.

Ivonne Carrillo


A few years ago, I suffered from fibromyalgia. As soon as I started treatment with Diana I began to see changes in my body. The NeuroModulation method is very effective and it changed my life.

I felt weariness to the extent of dragging my feet from the lack of energy I had when I walked. I felt extremely tired, with a lot of pain and I didn’t want to do anything. After a few sessions with Diana everything changed, and today, I no longer have fibromyalgia.
For me, it was a radical change and I am very grateful to have met Diana.

I also took my daughter for treatment for food allergies, the most severe were egg and wheat. Today my daughter can eat everything that previously caused her hives in the skin and heavy mucus.

Karina Becerra