My second son died in an accident in December 2005. As his last gift to us, he left a beautiful five-day-old baby for his wife, my husband, his siblings and me. Her name is Mariana, my granddaughter. My father had died seven months before, in May of the same year. Unfortunately, I somatize any emotional problem and losing my son and my father so close together, in 2006 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I was told that it was a controllable but not curable disease. I had a great depression, I had pain all over my body and a severe lack of energy; I managed to survive through a lot of medication. For obvious reasons in 2009 when my mother died, my problem aggravated.
Desperate, one day I listened on the radio in Martha Debayle’show an interview with someone who could heal fibromyalgia patients. I wrote her phone number and decided to try this kind of treatment. I started my therapy sessions with Diana. When I got there, I was in very bad shape despite taking analgesics, anti-inflammatories, antidepressants and anxiolytics.
n a short time, I began to notice great improvement and, later, I stopped taking many of the medications. And I was healed from the "incurable".
I continue being treated by Diana, because at 72 years of age I want to have the best quality of life possible; I want to maintain a stable relationship with the man who has accompanied me during my last 50 years; I want to be a loving mother and grandmother, but not invader of spaces that, today, are no longer mine. Happily, I am still active in my profession.
I have found in Diana, the therapist, and the friend that supports me to achieve all this. She has also taught me to see life in a different way, to react better and less impulsively, to be much more serene and to have healthier emotional habits.
I can only have words of gratitude towards her.
I had my first panic attack in 2016. At first, I did not know what was happening, I thought I was going crazy, everything scared me and I abandoned my daily life activities. I got to the point of getting so depressed that I didn’t want to leave home anymore. It was then referred to Diana Morales. She treated me without medication and without me exaggerating, she saved my life; what I was going through did not allow me to be whom I really am. Up to now, I have never had any other panic attack and if I feel any anxiety at all, I am able to control myself very well.
Llegó un momento en mi vida, donde todo se juntó, el exceso de trabajo, se tornó compleja la relación con mi familia y con mi pareja.
Recuerdo muy bien la noche del 14 de febrero de 2019 sin razón aparente, no pude dormir y ahí fue donde empecé a sentirme en picada.
Después de tener insomnio por más de dos semanas y con diez kilos menos por la anorexia que estaba experimentando por causa del mismo insomnio.
Me sentía desesperado, con un gran vacío interior con pocas fuerzas, por la falta de sueño y alimento, solo de ver la comida sentía nauseas, mi presencia en esta vida empezó a no tener sentido, mi autoestima y mi valía la tenía por los suelos.
Empecé la búsqueda con amigos y familiares, ya fuese un siquiatra, un psicólogo, algún especialista en trastornos del sueño o un Gurú.
En una reunión una amiga me comento que conocía a alguien que además de terapia psicológica daba una terapia diferente, le dije, dame su número,
Al siguiente día estaba haciendo cita con Diana, tuve que esperar ocho días más para poder verla.
Para ese momento me sentía peor aún. Después de una presentación breve, Diana me comento, “Realmente te veo muy mal, vamos a dejar la presentación e introducción largas a un lado y empezaremos con la terapia”. Cerré mis ojos y después de unos minutos empecé a experimentar un sentimiento de paz, casi de forma inmediata, algo que no sentía ya desde hace tiempo.
Llegué a casa con una sensación de cansancio y desde esa noche, pude conciliar el sueño nuevamente.
Acudí a verla por unas doce sesiones, con el paso de las semanas mi sueño era cada vez más profundo y reparador, empecé a poner límites en todas las áreas de mi vida, empecé a resolver cosas que tenía bloqueadas y trabaje situaciones de mi infancia que nunca hubiera imaginado que arrastraba en mi adultez.
Comencé nuevamente a darle un propósito a mi vida con la alegría y ganas de seguir adelante.