The so-called fibromyalgia syndromeis a highly controversial subject among health practitioners both in traditional and alternative medicine. Regardless of all discrepancies, our core objective, is most certainly, that the person stops suffering from the symptoms of FM, which often become unbearable. Being right about the existence and causes of this syndrome matters little to the person who suffers from it. For such individual, the syndrome is as real as the fact of being alive; his/her only and desperate need is to get out of this abyss and recover his/her well being.
Approximately 420 million people in the world, mostly women, suffer from symptoms of Fibromyalgia. In general, within traditional medicine it is said that a patient with this syndrome has no chance of fully recovering, and that his/her best scenario is to learn to live with this condition. It is a fact that in traditional medicine there is a lack of effective medication to provide lasting relief, much less a cure. Furthermore, the side effects of the drugs that are usually prescribed can be extremely debilitating.
The good news is, there are other effective alternatives available for these patients; NeuroModulation Technique or NMT has presented us astonishing results, both for the treatment of fibromyalgia as well as for any other condition. At , based on the evidence we have witnessed for the past 12 years, we can responsibly say that we can most definitely heal from fibromyalgia.
In order to talk about fibromyalgia it is essential to address the subject of "stress", which actually means "tension". The word "stress" is a term that has been widely used in a generic way, but in fact, "stress" is not something broad it is actually very specific. Some examples of specific stress are: sexual, physical and/or psychological abuse; feelings of insecurity; feeling powerless; the experience of loss, (loved ones, projects, status, work, freedom, possessions or any kind of loss); a sense of inadequacy; being in a destructive relationship; being exposed to a hostile environment at work home or city; taking care of physically or mentally ill people; having financial or legal problems; enduring prolonged uncertainty; feeling constantly threatened; the list is endless and at the same time individually conformed.
We are all designed to survive situations that create stress, and our body will always use all its resources in order to achieve this. However, some of us are born with the predisposition to a greater fragility or lesser mechanisms of adaptation and resilience - the ability of the human being to adapt before a disturbing agent or an adverse situation.
An individual who has spent a significant part of his/her life trying to overcome adversity, there may come a time when his/her survival resources have become extremely diminished; the person may then feel absolutely depleted. It is at this point when innumerable symptoms of all kinds may show up and become chronic.
Common symptoms of fibromyalgia
Excessive fatigue that does not correspond to the activities carried out and that does not improve after sleep and/or "rest".
Sleep disorders: insomnia and/or non-restorative sleep i.e. a sensation upon awakening of not having rested at all
Gastric discomfort such as:
irritable colon, gastritis, gastric reflux, bloating, and others
Generalized chronic pain
Blurry Vision
Hypersensitivity to some stimuli (noise, odors and light)
in hands, legs and / or arms
Difficulty concentrating
Excessive sleepiness during the day
Compromised handgrip strength
Brain fog and/or difficulty expressing oneself eloquently
Stiffness (especially when waking up and / or getting up from a seat)
Frequent and or urgent need to urinate
Short-term memory lapses
Dryness in some mucous membranes
Sensation or actual swelling of hands and/or feet
Slight dizziness and/or disorientation
Slight burning sensation in the skin
These are the most frequently found symptoms in FM patient, although not all patients suffer from all of them. However the most common symptoms in all FM patients are : headaches, generalized pain, sleep disorders, excessive fatigue and depression and/or anxiety.
It is interesting to highlight the correlation between the diversity of symptoms of fibromyalgia syndrome, a condition that involves the entire body and its systems, and what Dr. Seyle defines as "The general stress syndrome". Dr. Hans Selye, a great pioneer in medicine and research, concluded in his book: The Stress of Life “A change not specifically formed is one that affects all or most of the parts of a system without selectivity. The general stress syndrome affects the whole body". When a person suffers from fibromyalgia most of the systems in his/her body will be affected. Fibromyalgia, in other words, has an impact in the entire body.
We have observed that all fibromyalgia patients, without exception, and for different reasons eventually became overwhelmed by "stress" before or at the time when symtpoms became obvious. Furthermore the sensation of being "stressed" remains while the symptoms of fibromyalgia are present. All of this leads to another reflection: patients with symptoms of fibromyalgia are in a vicious cycle that keeps them in a state of distress and continuous suffering. This vicious cycle can be roughly explained as follows: The person suffers from a state of "alert" that generates mental and muscularstress/tension which lead to pain and stiffness seemingly inexplicable, generally this entails a state of anxiety and/or depression which in turn, together with the above cause sleep disorders, and naturally fatigue. All these factors, continuously feed stress hence depressing the inmune system. To this, we must add the coexistence of despair and fear that this will never end, which again will result in more stress, depression and so on.
A succesfull treatment for patients with Fibromyalgia
At we have capitalized our experience and success in the treatment of Fibromyalgia. Thereby, we have developed a systematic and individualized method to treat this syndrome.
At disponemos de las metodologías más sofisticadas para llevar al cuerpo-mente a restablecerse. El tratamiento da como resultado la interrupción del vicious cycle mentioned above, and in its place, a virtuous cycleemerges, which is vital for healing.
El tratamiento es NO invasivo y libre de medicamentos
Some of the extraordinary changes that are produced in the body once the virtuous cycle has set in are:
The vicious cycle is broken and in its place, a virtuous circle is generated which is vital for healing.
The Immune System restores a more appropriate function to its circumstances
Coherence and unity return to the mind-body
The nervous system rectifies the "alert state" in which it was before treatment
The Nervous System rectifies incorrect signals that used to exacerbate the sensation and perception of pain and hypersensitivity to stimuli.
The body is strengthened to respond to stressors more efficiently
The body modifies its state of adverse inflammation
The patient will also have greater knowledge of himself/herself, his/her circumstances and emotions that he/she previously experienced without awareness.
Adverse emotions that have been pathologically anchored in cells, tissues and organs are released.
The body optimizes the elimination of toxins and infectious agents
At , we are proud and grateful to have the opportunity to facilitate the path to recovery and to bring back the desire to live to our fibromyalgia patients.