Mind-Body Therapist
Diana Morales
Psychologist & NeuroModulation Technique Practitioner
“Healing without medication. It is the same wisdom that created the body, that will also heal it..
In my therapeutic practice for over 13 years, I have been very fortunate to witness wonderful cases of recovery.
From a very young age I had a great curiosity and interest in the wonders of the body and the mysteries of health.
This interest increased when I experienced, with great suffering, the symptoms of fibromyalgia syndrome. I found no relief or answers in traditional medicine, so I began a search for consistent and non-invasive alternatives to regain my health. This path of recovery left me great lessons; I understood the inescapable connection between the body and the mind, and with amazement, I discovered the extraordinary fact that the body has the ability to self-repair.
I studied both in the United States and Mexico in various cutting-edge techniques focused on the body's inherent ability to heal. I use my knowledge and adapt the methodologies to the needs of each patient, my experience assorts me time and time again that each person has their own "puzzle" that will allow them to heal.
Traditional medicine offers us great options for surgical interventions, emergency situations, diagnostic studies, and access to specialized medications. However, there are millions of people around the world who cannot find relief from their conditions through traditional methods, and they should know that there are other ways for the body to reorder and regain its power to heal.
My passion for health and my commitment to my patients keeps me in a constant search for new wisdom and capabilities that are consistent with the principles that sustain our philosophy , "Healing without medication. It is the same wisdom that created the body, that will also heal it."