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Emotional Well-being

Cuando una persona sabe que algo no está bien en su vida; quiere cambiar pero no sabe por dónde empezar, es ése el momento de buscar ayuda.
El estilo de psicoterapia apoyado por las técnicas de WeFeel pueden hacer una gran diferencia en tu vida. Tendrás una mayor comprensión acerca de tu conducta, tus sentimientos, tus emociones, tus conflictos contigo mismo(a) y con los demás. Tendrás una variedad de herramientas prácticas que podrás usar siempre que las necesites. Conocerás un poder en ti que ignorabas.

Health in the mind-body

The mind-body is a unity as opossed to two different entities. What happens in our body, is directly linked to our thoughts, beliefs and emotions-current ones and those that have remained anchored in our tissues. Genuine feelings of joy, love, compassion, and especially gratitude, release thousands of natural chemicals in our body that contribute to the processes of repair that are constantly carried out for us. On the contrary, when feelings like anger, resentment, fear, despair, impotence, shame (and others) prevail, a high level of stress is generated in our mind-body that impacts all our systems producing multiple symptoms and / or ailments.

There are also numerous factors that, at an unconscious level, affect us on the physical, mental and emotional planes. Like an antenna, our Nervous System is highly sensitive and able to inadvertently perceive thousands of stimuli that may have a significant impact on our physical, mental and emotional health.

There are plenty of other aspects that can make us ill, but whatever the sources of our affliction might be, our healing methods enable the mind-body to become aware of them and start amending what it needs to.

The molecules of repressed, masked or unresolved emotions may anchor to cells, tissues and organs indefinitely resulting in depression, anxiety, fear, and countless physical, mental, behavioral and emotional symptoms.

The different techniques available at , disponemos de técnicas que nos permiten acelerar dramáticamente los cambios positivos en el estado emocional y físico de los pacientes, porque el proceso transita por vías más rápidas, directas y eficientes. La persona, sin duda, notará un estado de mayor bienestar y conexión con la vida.

One piece of the treatment always includes strengthening the nervous system and its connections so as to foster a lasting transformation.

